The Web Keeps Spinning

18 Jun

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The Web Keeps Spinning

It Just Won’t Stop Spinning


Web created by a spider exposed to caffeine

Next year the world wide web will be a quarter of a century old.  Since it’s birth at CERN back in 1989 it hasn’t stopped moving, changing, evolving or revolving.  From clunky desktops in labs to the phone in your pocket change has been the only constant.  This month we are looking at books that can help us get to grips with the web’s latest developments.

Scala Out Back

Scala promises to improve productivity by providing us with a rich, expressive language with strong domain specific support.  Frameworks are being built to deliver on that promise.

Learning Play! Framework 2

by Andy Petrella

The Play framework promises to make it faster and easier to build web applications that scale reliably while supporting both web and mobile clients.

Akka Essentials

by Munish K. Gupta

Akka is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on the JVM.

HTML5 Up Front

HTML5 Enterprise Application Development

by Nehal Shah, Gabriel José Balda Ortíz

HTML5 has been a trending topic for a long time, but the lack of Flash support on iOS devices has sped up its penetration. New features in HTML5 come at a time when web developers are pushing the limits of what is achievable and HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript have become an important alternative for building rich user interfaces.

HTML5 Canvas Cookbook

by Eric Rowell

The HTML5 canvas is revolutionizing graphics and visualizations on the Web. Powered by JavaScript, the HTML5 Canvas API enables web developers to create visualizations and animations right in the browser without Flash. Although the HTML5 Canvas is quickly becoming the standard for online graphics and interactivity, many developers fail to exercise all of the features that this powerful technology has to offer.

Getting the User Experience Right

Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

by Unmesh Gundecha

Selenium automates browsers. That’s it. What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well.

Responsive Web Design by Example

by Thoriq Firdaus

Responsive web design is an explosive area of growth in modern web development due to the huge volume of different device sizes and resolutions that are now commercially available. You can now create your very own responsive website quickly and efficiently, allowing you to showcase your content in a format that will work on any device with an Internet browser.

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